
About Shelly and Rich Howard

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So far Shelly and Rich Howard has created 362 blog entries.
5 08, 2024

Back to School & Back on Track

By |2024-08-05T11:29:20-06:00August 5th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Back to school has always been very similar to the start of a new year for our family.  It marks the beginning of a new school year with renewed expectations and resolutions not only for our boys, but also for us as parents. For the kids, it’s a great time to get them refocused on their schedules, routines and revisit some lessons that were learned or challenges faced in the previous school year and over [...]

22 07, 2024

Impacting Families in Transformative Ways

By |2024-07-26T12:26:54-06:00July 22nd, 2024|Personal|

“We love OneFamily and the impact that it continues to have on our family. We tell all our family and friends about the classes, weekly letters & daily quotes and the blessing that it has been to us and our children!” Impacting families in a transformative way is at the heart of our mission with OneFamily!  This means equipping families with practical resources and encouraging them through those challenging days to persevere while sustaining them [...]

11 07, 2024

Expresión Emocional

By |2024-06-26T08:59:25-06:00July 11th, 2024|Español|

El control emocional o autodisciplina es ser capaz de manifestar la expresión adecuada de nuestro estado emocional.  Nuestra capacidad para manejar nuestras respuestas emocionales es una habilidad para toda la vida que puede definir nuestro carácter positiva o negativamente. La ira, la frustración y la decepción son parte de la vida como niño y como adulto.  Siempre habrá momentos en los que ocurran estas emociones difíciles, pero la forma en que respondemos y nos expresamos [...]

4 07, 2024

Emotional Expression

By |2024-07-04T05:29:28-06:00July 4th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Emotional control or self-discipline is being able to manifest the appropriate expression of our emotional state.  Our ability to manage our emotional responses is a lifelong skill that can define our character positively or negatively. Anger, frustration, and disappointment are a part of life as a child and as an adult.  There will always be times when these difficult emotions happen, but how we respond and express ourselves is the key to emotional maturity.  When [...]

27 06, 2024

El Padre Decidido – Segunda Parte

By |2024-06-26T08:41:48-06:00June 27th, 2024|Español|

La semana pasada, en El Padre Con Propósito-Parte Uno, cubrimos las primeras cuatro cosas que los padres pueden hacer para construir y fortalecer los lazos de confianza con sus hijos basados en la  enseñanza de El Mandato del Padre que ha impactado maravillosamente a nuestra familia y matrimonio. Un padre debe cultivar un sentido de identidad familiar Un padre debe demostrar amor a su esposa con regularidad Un padre debe respetar el mundo privado de [...]

25 06, 2024

The Purposeful Father – Part Two

By |2024-06-25T05:11:18-06:00June 25th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Last week, in The Purposeful Father-Part One, we covered the first four things dads can do to build and strengthen the bonds of trust with his children based upon The Father’s Mandate teaching that has wonderfully impacted our family and marriage. A father must cultivate a sense of Family Identity A father must regularly demonstrate love to his wife A father must respect his child’s private world A father must give his children the freedom [...]

18 06, 2024

El Padre Decidido – Primera Parte

By |2024-06-25T23:03:52-06:00June 18th, 2024|Español|

El Día del Padre fue el fin de semana pasado, pensamos que sería genial reexaminar una enseñanza que se enfoca en ocho deberes específicos que los papás pueden implementar intencionalmente para cultivar y fortalecer los lazos de confianza con sus hijos. La lección del Mandato del Padre de Growing Kids God's Way, de Gary y Anne Marie Ezzo, fue un catalizador importante para nuestro matrimonio y para nuestros hijos. Le dio a Rich algunas formas [...]

16 06, 2024

The Purposeful Father – Part One

By |2024-06-16T13:34:17-06:00June 16th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Father’s Day was this past weekend, we thought it would be great to re-examine a teaching that focuses on eight specific duties dads can intentionally implement that cultivate and strengthen the bonds of trust with his children. The Father’s Mandate lesson from Growing Kids God’s Way, by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo, was an important catalyst for our marriage and for our kids. It gave Rich some practical ways to be more purposeful with the boys [...]

4 06, 2024

Escuchar es un Superpoder

By |2024-06-12T22:06:02-06:00June 4th, 2024|Español|

¿Alguna vez te han hecho una pregunta sobre lo que acabas de comunicar y te das cuenta de que tu mensaje no está llegando?  Todos hemos pasado por eso y puede ser frustrante.  La escucha activa puede ser un "punto ciego" para las personas con las que estamos hablando y también para nosotros como oyentes.  Si eres honesto, ¿cuándo fue la última vez que escuchaste intencionalmente para comprender el significado, para mostrar amor y honor [...]

3 06, 2024

Listening is a Super Power

By |2024-06-03T16:54:34-06:00June 3rd, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Have you ever been asked a question about the very thing you just communicated and you can tell your message is not getting through?  We’ve all been there and it can be frustrating.  Active listening may be a “blind spot” for those we are speaking with and for us as the listener as well.  If you’re honest, when was the last time you intentionally listened to comprehend meaning, to show love and honor to the [...]

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