
About Shelly and Rich Howard

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So far Shelly and Rich Howard has created 367 blog entries.
25 06, 2024

The Purposeful Father – Part Two

By |2024-06-25T05:11:18-06:00June 25th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Last week, in The Purposeful Father-Part One, we covered the first four things dads can do to build and strengthen the bonds of trust with his children based upon The Father’s Mandate teaching that has wonderfully impacted our family and marriage. A father must cultivate a sense of Family Identity A father must regularly demonstrate love to his wife A father must respect his child’s private world A father must give his children the freedom [...]

18 06, 2024

El Padre Decidido – Primera Parte

By |2024-06-25T23:03:52-06:00June 18th, 2024|Español|

El Día del Padre fue el fin de semana pasado, pensamos que sería genial reexaminar una enseñanza que se enfoca en ocho deberes específicos que los papás pueden implementar intencionalmente para cultivar y fortalecer los lazos de confianza con sus hijos. La lección del Mandato del Padre de Growing Kids God's Way, de Gary y Anne Marie Ezzo, fue un catalizador importante para nuestro matrimonio y para nuestros hijos. Le dio a Rich algunas formas [...]

16 06, 2024

The Purposeful Father – Part One

By |2024-06-16T13:34:17-06:00June 16th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Father’s Day was this past weekend, we thought it would be great to re-examine a teaching that focuses on eight specific duties dads can intentionally implement that cultivate and strengthen the bonds of trust with his children. The Father’s Mandate lesson from Growing Kids God’s Way, by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo, was an important catalyst for our marriage and for our kids. It gave Rich some practical ways to be more purposeful with the boys [...]

4 06, 2024

Escuchar es un Superpoder

By |2024-06-12T22:06:02-06:00June 4th, 2024|Español|

¿Alguna vez te han hecho una pregunta sobre lo que acabas de comunicar y te das cuenta de que tu mensaje no está llegando?  Todos hemos pasado por eso y puede ser frustrante.  La escucha activa puede ser un "punto ciego" para las personas con las que estamos hablando y también para nosotros como oyentes.  Si eres honesto, ¿cuándo fue la última vez que escuchaste intencionalmente para comprender el significado, para mostrar amor y honor [...]

3 06, 2024

Listening is a Super Power

By |2024-06-03T16:54:34-06:00June 3rd, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Have you ever been asked a question about the very thing you just communicated and you can tell your message is not getting through?  We’ve all been there and it can be frustrating.  Active listening may be a “blind spot” for those we are speaking with and for us as the listener as well.  If you’re honest, when was the last time you intentionally listened to comprehend meaning, to show love and honor to the [...]

28 05, 2024

El Verano y el Poder de Jugar

By |2024-06-12T22:05:55-06:00May 28th, 2024|Español|

Para muchos de nosotros, el verano significa grandes vacaciones, una serie de campamentos, ligas deportivas de verano, días de piscina, parques de diversiones y otras emociones para que sea memorable, significativo y divertido.  Si bien todas esas actividades son maravillosas, una pregunta que muchos padres nos hacen es: "¿Cómo mantenemos la 'diversión' en el día a día durante la mayor parte del verano?" Crear un verano lleno de recuerdos duraderos no requiere grandes gestos ni [...]

26 05, 2024

Summer and the Power of Playing

By |2024-05-26T05:29:42-06:00May 26th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

For many of us, summer means big vacations, a series of camps, summer sports leagues, pool days, amusement parks and other excitement to make it memorable, meaningful and fun.  While all those activities are wonderful, a question many parents ask us is, “How do we sustain the ‘fun’ on a day-to-day basis for the bulk of the summer?” Creating a summer filled with lasting memories doesn't require grand gestures or expensive trips. It's about discovering [...]

14 05, 2024

Crear un Lugar de Pertenencia y Conexión

By |2024-06-12T22:05:38-06:00May 14th, 2024|Español|

La vida es ajetreada.  Con la escuela, los deportes y las actividades de los niños, nuestra vida diaria puede caracterizarse fácilmente como agitada y abrumadora.  Aprender Chic-fil-a en el camino de la práctica puede convertirse fácilmente en la norma, en lugar de la excepción, para alimentar a todos los miembros de la familia.  Sin embargo, descubrimos que sentarse juntos alrededor de la mesa durante las comidas puede tener un impacto significativo en su familia. La [...]

7 05, 2024

Creating a Place of Belonging and Connection

By |2024-05-07T09:24:46-06:00May 7th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

Life is busy.  With school, kids sports and activities, our daily life can easily be characterized as hectic and overwhelming.  Picking up Chic-fil-a on the way from practice can easily become the norm, rather than the exception, for getting everyone in the family fed.  However, we discovered that sitting around the table together at meals can actually make a significant impact on your family. Current research shows that having a shared Family Mealtime has huge [...]

28 04, 2024

Neuroscience and Moral Education

By |2024-05-03T14:54:04-06:00April 28th, 2024|Letters, Parenting|

There is a significant link between the moral education of children and engaging whole brain learning that leads to greater emotional Intelligence and self-regulation. Raising morally responsive children can be a complex and challenging job, but it will not happen without intentionality on the part of mom and dad.   To be intentional means you make the moral education of your children a priority by setting goals, establishing standards and a proactive plan. The significance of [...]

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