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We are excited to be a part of MOMCON 2023 again this fall – September 7-9th in Chicago, IL!  This international event will attract over 5000 moms to get recharged and energized. What is MOMcon?

MOMCON — because you need a minute! Here’s your chance to learn, laugh, sing, dance, and FINALLY leave your house. You know you’re ready, and we are ready for you. We’ll encourage, equip and entertain you with world-class speakers, authors, musicians and experts. All you have to do is show up. Whether that’s with your mom-bun, side-part, or clothes that haven’t seen the light of day in a year, we want you here. Round up your best girlfriends, and meet us in Chicago for the weekend adventure you’ve been waiting for. MOMcon 2023 is for any and every mom… That means YOU!

Visit MOPS – MOMCON for more detailed info & registration.

Look for OneFamily in the MOPS Marketplace – Space #502!

We would love visit with you, share some exciting programs, hear about your family and your MOPS group!

Please contact Shelly at shelly@onefamilyhwl.org if you have any questions!

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