We recently read about an idea that really resonated with us.  It described how children need their parents’ blessing.  A blessing from mom and dad communicates unconditional acceptance and affirmation while greatly impacting a child’s identity.  Your blessing frees their hearts and minds to grow into all the good things you as a parent want for them.

For Dads, its especially important to know the impact your blessing has in the lives of your children.  You are more than just a provider.  You are able to bless your kids with security, leadership and acceptance.  If you have received a blessing from your own father, you know how much it means to you.  And if you haven’t, you know how much you longed to be blessed by him.  With Father’s Day this Sunday, we wanted to illustrate three significant ways Dads (and Grandads too) can pass on your blessing to your children.

Dads bless with Security

A Father’s unconditional love and support makes his children feel secure.  Security is a powerful developmental catalyst. When children feel secure, their hearts and minds are free to take on all the tasks of learning and they have healthy emotional and cognitive development that sets them up to reach their fullest potential.  As we’ve learned and experienced firsthand over the years, its the level of trust that dads create that makes security a powerful blessing to his children.

One of our all-time favorite lessons from Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo was their teaching on The Father’s Mandate.  They outline eight things dads can do to build a trusting and secure relationship with their children.  We wrote on these mandates in detail in our Purposeful Father series Part 1 and Part 2 if wish to dig a bit deeper.

Dads bless as a Leader

Both parents lead and influence their children.  Mom’s influence tends to impact children through nurturing, love and the example she sets inside and outside the home.  Dad’s influence tends to come from his leadership role.  Certainly, providing direction is a part of it, but its much more than that.  Dad’s leadership should empower his children and wife thereby creating a home environment where everyone, including dad, is thriving!

“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” – Jim Rohn

Dads are Heroes

Children need someone to look up to and dad needs to be that person.  Kids look up to Mom also, but they are looking to Dad to be their champion and role model.  A Hero Dad sets the example and encourages his kids to be brave, to be strong, to belly laugh, to go for it, and to believe that they can do hard things.  A Hero Dad loves his wife so daughters know what to look for in a husband and how sons should treat their wives.  A Hero Dad stands up for his children when they can’t do it themselves.

When a dad is intentional about building a trusting secure relationship with his child, being a family leader, and being their hero, something very special happens.  He blesses his children and sets in motion a legacy that will bless his family for generations.

Blessing to your family and Happy Father’s Day!

Shelly and Rich