Why not begin the New Year with Purpose, Passion and Action?  Why not take those additional steps to create or improve upon the family you love? Creating and sustaining a nurturing home environment where children are flourishing with everyone feeling emotionally and spiritually fulfilled in each other’s company doesn’t just automatically happen.  It takes intention, consistency, and initiative.

To create or improve upon the family you love, you do not have to be a perfect soulmate or parent.  We just need to be characterized by being intentional in our purpose, consistent with our motivation and taking the initiative to carry out actionable steps towards the process of being the Husband/Wife/Mom/Dad we desire to be!


We all go through different seasons with different challenges in our marriages and our parenting.  There are good days and some not so good days.  Often times we can feel lost, not knowing what to do or how to handle a rough patch.  The answers and solutions are definitely not intuitive!

This is why we created OneFamily.  To equip, encourage and sustain families for their marriage and parenting journey.  We want to come along men and women and help them to create the family they desire regardless of the seasons and challenges that occur.



OneFamily offers practical insights related to marriage and parenting that can be applied right away to create a healthy & thriving home life. We offer classes, workshops and assessments (In Person & Online) to provide you with the tools you need to reach your marriage and parenting goals!

Visit https://onefamilyhwl.org/events/ to signup and join other families to make a difference in your marriage and parenting.

Many Classes/workshops/assessments are designed for husband and wife to “get on the same page.“  So we highly recommend that that both attend the together, but we welcome and encourage single parents to join us as well!



To help you stay consistent, motivated and motivated, OneFamily provides daily inspirational quotes and a weekly “letter” of advice to keep you encouraged in your journey and to help stay on track with your marriage and parenting objectives!

Visit https://onefamilyhwl.org/topics/onefamily/ to check out our vast catalog of letters.  You can also search by topic – teaching self-control, speaking life words, making marriage a priority, how do we do CouchTime, etc..

You can also follow us on social media like over 10,000 people do each week.


We appreciate your likes!


When you invest your time and effort towards improving your marriage and parenting with OneFamily, we know that questions and situations come up long after you’ve taken a class, workshop, or assessment. So we urge you contact us directly, anytime after you’ve completed a OneFamily program,  with any questions, frustrations or issues you may encounter.  Years later, we still have many couples that reach out to us for guidance.

In addition to contacting us directly, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND retaking classes, workshops and assessments again.  Completing a program once provides you with a wealth of information and practical advice.  However, as months and years go by in your journey, children change and you change.  Circumstances and issues you were dealing with when you were in your late twenties with toddlers is a lot different when you are in your thirties or forties with older children.  We offer substantial discounts to families who wish to retake any OneFamily program again!

Visit our event or services page to retake any class, workshop or assessment again! Scroll down below to see a listing of all our OneFamily Programs.


Blessings to you and your family for a thriving 2022!





Here is a sampling of our Workshops:

  • Reconnecting and keeping your marriage the priority relationship – Focus is on communicating expectations effectively, connecting relationally and emotionally.
  • Tonic (Time of Non-conflict) for your marriage and parenting – Focus is on communicating during times of non-conflict. What is it and how do you do it.
  • Parenting the temperaments or Marriage and the temperaments – Each topic focuses on how we can understand what the four temperaments are and how it affects our parenting and/or marriage relationships.
  • The Intentional Dad and the Proactive Mom – The primary focus is on 8 things dads can do to intentionally impact the health of their families and how mom can proactively parent and encourage her husband.
  • The most common mistakes that undermine your parenting – The repeating, threatening, counting, and bribing parent is the focus of this topic.
  • Screenagers – This award-winning documentary addresses the most pervasive parenting issue of our time head on—depicting teen struggles over social media, video games and internet addiction.


These are the courses we currently offer:

  • Toddlerhood Transitions – For parents with children ages 18 months to 4 yrs – Complete 9 session course in 5 sessions.  Focuses on helping parents transition from the baby years to childhood.
  • Parenting from The Tree of Life – For parents with children ages 4 to 12 yrs– Complete 18 session course in 10 sessions. The “main” parenting course with all the tools/strategy parents need.
  • Life in the Middle Years – For parents with children ages 7 to 13 yrs– Complete 18 session course in 10 sessions.  Helps parents prepare for the Teen years.
  • Protecting the Innocence of Childhood – For parents with children ages 6 to 13 yrs– Complete 4 session course.  Helps parents how convey sexual knowledge to their children – it’s a process not just one talk!


Also Available: One-on-one Marriage & Parenting Coaching – Certified SYMBIS & Prep 8.0 with assessments available.