What is a good life or a life well lived? Certainly there are many answers to this question, but we believe at the heart of a good life is a healthy and thriving family. It is an encouraging home environment where a marriage is strong, children are flourishing and everyone is feeling emotionally and spiritually fulfilled in one another’s company.

For the Howards, our marriage and family life is not “Perfect.”  We continue to work on our marriage and definitely made plenty of mistakes in our parenting along the way.  Yet, our family life is characterized by our efforts toward being the best husband/father and wife/mother we can be.  That means equipping ourselves with ongoing resources, encouraging one another with love when we are not at our best, and sustaining each other in our marriage and parenting journey.

OneFamily Impacting Families

Our mission with OneFamily is to provide you with the sustainable resources that will support and encourage you in your roles as husband/wife and mom/dad.  We want you and your family to succeed and thrive.  By reading this letter, you are already familiar with our Tuesday Letters of Encouragement and daily thought-provoking quotes. This is just one aspect of OneFamily. Over the past year, we held many different events, classes and workshops to equip, encourage and sustain families like yours.  We’ve been blessed to be a blessing to many families from many different walks of life.  Here are just some of the amazing highlights from this past year:

  • 39 Events, Classes and Workshops held in 2018 (9 in 2017)
  • 1309 Families directly impacted by Events, Classes and Workshops in 2018 (443 families in 2017)
  • 88,698 total online/social media impact (Impressions/Engagements) from our Daily Quotes and Tuesday Letters (8046 in 2017).  Current monthly online/social media readership is 24,870 and growing!
  • Growing existing partnerships and new partnerships
    • MOPS International – 28 speaking engagements booked for 2018/2019 MOPS year
    • Moms In Prayer International – MIP is our #1 twitter follower with a reach of over 12,800 followers!  We are hoping to launch pilot workshops and events in 2019.
    • Mt. Carmel VSC – Beginning January 2019 are honored to host marriage workshops and parenting classes for active duty and veteran families at the Mt Carmel VSC in Colorado Springs.
  • Significant advancements with our Spanish Initiative
    • Our Spanish version of Parenting from The Tree of Life workbooks are now available on Amazon.com and other E-commerce sites.
    • Kindle version available in spring 2019.
    • OneFamily is actively supporting classes and workshops in Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru.In fact a school in Peru is now having monthly parenting workshops using our Spanish PFTOL workbooks.
    • We will begin offering Parenting from The Tree of Life video segments in Spanish this spring to compliment the Spanish PFTOL workbooks.

A Special Opportunity To Help Families

On this Colorado Giving Day, we are blessed to have a special donor who is matching all one time and recurring gifts!  This is a special opportunity to double the impact of your generous donation to OneFamily and help us to Equip, Encourage & Sustain parents and strengthen marriages like yours!
As we approach 2019, we continue to have ambitious goals… One Family at a time!  With your ongoing support, we will be able to:

  • Provide Events, Classes and Workshops to directly equip over 1750 families
  • Create and develop online video content to support OneFamily programs
  • Provide scholarships to help financially strapped families participate in OneFamily programs
  • Expand video and online development for our Spanish initiative with Spanish segments and UnaFamilia (Official Trademark Pending!) website, phone app, and social media


This holiday season, we pray you and your family find and experience the good life.  Cherish your marriage and treasure your children; keeping in mind that it is about the process, not just the final outcome.  In that quest, we hope that OneFamily can continue to help equip, encourage and sustain you and your family in the journey!

Blessings to you and your family this Holiday Season,

Shelly and Rich Howard & Lis and Dave Marr


If you wish to learn more about OneFamily and ALL of our 2019 goals, or how you can directly participate in our 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, please contact Shelly Howard at shelly@onefamilyhwl.org