Young parents and even experienced parents cannot anticipate the wide array of challenges that come with raising their children.  Many couples are “winging it” and can be blindsided by children’s unexpected emotions, behaviors and logistical issues that arise.  In these stressful moments, any parent can feel overwhelmed and frustrated and their best intentions go out the window.  Now imagine facing those challenges as a single parent!

This past fall, we had several single parents join us for some online classes and we had the privilege to get to know an amazing single mom who joined us online from North Carolina:

As a recently single mother I was struggling with the transition of toddlerhood. My little one had so many changes that happened in the last few months and I wanted to make sure I did all I could to foster her development.  That is when a friend from church sent me a link for a parenting class for parents with toddlers. God works in amazing ways because the next class was in a couple of weeks and it was just what I needed. 

Shelly and Rich are full of God’s love and you truly feel that from the very first class. They were very gracious with the fact that I am a single mom. I have gained tools and resources from them that actually work! It was nice to know that the struggles I was having with my daughter were normal and there is a method and lesson to help me. As a parent you do have to put in the work and be consistent, it doesn’t happen overnight. My favorite lesson was blanket time and couch time because its a great tool to use anywhere. My daughter and I are still working on several things, but from the class I have gained the confidence that I CAN do this and that I am a good mom. This class has truly been a blessing for me and my little. 

As a fulltime teacher at Fort Bragg, Optimum’s day is very full while raising her adorable 2yr old daughter.  Yet, she was able to be intentional in attending every class, doing the homework and at home applications. Making the investment in the family through parenting and marriage classes/workshops, can sustain you with confidence and joy during challenging times. Clearly Optimum has experienced that first hand and we hope to continue to equip, encourage and sustain her in her journey with her daughter.

Today, November 30th, is National Giving Day.  During this season of giving, would you consider helping OneFamily to Equip, Encourage and Sustain families like Optimum’s and yours.  Your donation will allow us to reach more moms and dads with classes, workshops, one-on-one coaching/mentoring, and develop online content to build strong, healthy families locally, and around the globe.

Our goal is to raise $30,000 by the end of the year and we have several ways for you to increase the impact of your generous donation to OneFamily!

  • Schedule your donations now for Colorado Gives Day (12/7) and we’ll get a boost from the $1.6 million Community First Incentive Fund:
  • OneFamily is blessed to have a special donor who is matching one time and recurring gifts! This is a unique opportunity to double the impact of your gift.

Donate Here on the OneFamily Website
VENMO “2021 Nonprofit Donation” to: @onefamilyhwl

Thank you for your support and blessings to your family this Holiday Season,



If you wish to learn more about OneFamily and ALL of our 2022 goals/initiatives or how you can directly participate in our 501c3 Nonprofit Organization, please contact Shelly Howard at