The Toddlerhood Transition series focuses on a brief but significant window of growth, a vibrant period of your child’s life, from eighteen to thirty six months of age. This eighteen month period is an amazing, spontaneous, engaging yet challenging time for the emergent child and his parents. That is because toddlers have their own peculiar way. They begin speaking full sentences and throwing full tantrums, deep hilarious laughing and a lack of impulse control. They can provide the best fun and the worst behavior. They can also make you feel like the best Mom one minute and the worst, the next. Learning how to manage your toddlers day, while encourage learning and discouraging behavior in need of future correction is a primary goal of The Toddlerhood Transition series.
Out of stockThe Toddlerhood Transition series focuses on a brief but significant window of growth, a vibrant period of your child’s life, from eighteen to thirty six months of age. This eighteen month period is an amazing, spontaneous, engaging yet challenging time for the emergent child and his parents. That is because toddlers have their own peculiar way. They begin speaking full sentences and throwing full tantrums, deep hilarious laughing and a lack of impulse control. They can provide the best fun and the worst behavior. They can also make you feel like the best Mom one minute and the worst, the next. Learning how to manage your toddlers day, while encourage learning and discouraging behavior in need of future correction is a primary goal of The Toddlerhood Transitionseries.
Life in Middle Years provides clear parenting strategies to meet the changing needs of the eight to twelve-year-old living in the Digital Age with informational technologies. The middle-years are marked by a series of growth transitions when children begin the process of moving away from childhood structures and move toward those all-important adolescent years. Relationships with peers will begin to change. What the “group” thinks becomes important and members of the opposite gender will take on new interest. Rightly meeting the small challenges of the middle years will significantly reduce the likelihood of big challenges in the teen years. This updated edition includes practical strategies for meeting the challenges that come with informational technologies and all those electronic gadgets. Also including is a comprehensive presentation relating to speaking to a middle-years son or daughter about his or her changing body. Knowing how and when to communicate sexual knowledge, without providing too much information or too little, is more critical now than any other time of our society’s history. Parents will find this section a welcome friend, when the time comes, to have the “Talk” with their son or daughter.
Parenting through the middle years, (8-12) are perhaps the most significant attitude-forming period in the life of a child. It is during this time that the roots of moral character are established. From the foundation that is formed, healthy or not-so-healthy family relationships will be built. These are the years when patterns of behavior are firmly established patterns that will impact your parent-child relationship for decades to come. Rightly meeting the small challenges of the middle years significantly reduces the likelihood of big challenges in the teen years. In other words, the groundwork you lay during your child's middle years will forever impact your relationship even long after he or she is grown.