
About Lis and Dave Marr

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So far Lis and Dave Marr has created 272 blog entries.
6 02, 2022

Character Training: The Virtue of Cleanliness

By |2022-02-06T05:56:08-07:00February 6th, 2022|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting, Uncategorized|

Ok, if it were me reading this in my 30’s, I probably wouldn’t read any topic as mundane as cleanliness. But, now that I’ve put a few miles under the tires, this fundamental skill of life contains way more than I would have thought. There’s more here than you’d first guess. You parents are underway with the greatest undertaking possible – structuring a life from which your child will come to distinguish themselves from mere [...]

22 01, 2022

The Sleepover Dilemma

By |2022-01-22T12:09:29-07:00January 22nd, 2022|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

One of the positives of childhood was the kids having their friends sleepover, where they didn’t want playtime to end so pleading would ensue to let “Timmy spend the night”. Parents are charged with the responsibility for a child’s safety and long-term well-being. Period. This discussion offers our views for you to consider and hopefully brings out a balanced view. This issue is but an early example of the unending stream of dilemmas you’ll face [...]

20 01, 2022

Entrenamiento del carácter: la virtud de la armonía

By |2022-01-18T17:57:47-07:00January 20th, 2022|Español|

Hay una puerta que cuando está abierta permite que mamá y papá entren en el santuario interior del corazón de un niño. Es un lugar de intimidad y amor, confianza y aceptación, un lugar de buena voluntad y armonía. Pero cuando esa puerta está cerrada, puede haber confusión y enojo, acusación y resentimiento, y a menudo un lugar de desconfianza y discordia. El corazón de un niño es algo delicado que evoluciona con las estaciones [...]

9 01, 2022

Character Training: The Virtue of Harmony

By |2022-01-09T05:59:13-07:00January 9th, 2022|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting, Relationship|

There is a door that when open allows mom and dad into the inner sanctum of a child’s heart. It’s a place of intimacy and love, trust and acceptance, a place of goodwill and harmony. But when that door is closed, there can be confusion and anger, accusation, and resentment, and often a place of mistrust and discord. A child’s heart is a delicate thing that evolves with the seasons of life. What starts as [...]

16 12, 2021

Entrenamiento del carácter: la virtud de la gratitud

By |2021-12-23T13:29:37-07:00December 16th, 2021|Español|

Todos lo hemos experimentado: el momento en que pensativamente mantuviste una puerta abierta para un extraño y ellos caminaron a través de ella sin pensarlo, como si hubieras nacido para servirles. ¿Qué no pasó? Claro, la más pequeña de las expresiones, un simple "Gracias", un poco de cortesía reconociendo el pequeño regalo que les diste no tuvo lugar. Pero lo que es más importante, incluso antes de esa respuesta memorística aprendida en la infancia, la [...]

9 12, 2021

Character Training: The Virtue of Gratitude

By |2021-12-13T17:01:28-07:00December 9th, 2021|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

We’ve all experienced it – the time when you thoughtfully held a door open for a stranger and they walked through it without a thought, as if you were born to serve them. What didn’t happen? Sure, the smallest of expressions, a simple “Thank you”, a little courtesy acknowledging the tiny gift you gave them didn’t take place. But more importantly, even before that rote response learned in childhood, the person would have needed to [...]

18 11, 2021

Entrenamiento del carácter: La virtud del perdón

By |2021-11-18T01:06:04-07:00November 18th, 2021|Español|

Todos han sido o serán perjudicados. Se sentirán ligeramente ofendidos o gravemente heridos con cada grado y variación intermedia, de extraños y peor de íntimos. Es parte del estado humano. Está configurado de esa manera donde las personas imperfectas con información imperfecta con tiempo limitado, recursos limitados y madurez limitada actúan, toman decisiones y causan daño. Algunos lo hacen deliberadamente, la mayoría inadvertidamente. Los seres humanos chocan  y se abren paso en la edad adulta [...]

15 11, 2021

Character Training: The Virtue of Forgiveness

By |2021-11-13T13:45:21-07:00November 15th, 2021|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

Everyone has been or will be wronged. They will be slightly offended or grievously injured with every degree and variation in between, from strangers and worst from intimates. It is part of the human state. It’s set up that way where imperfect people with imperfect information with limited time, limited resources, and limited maturity act out, make choices, and cause harm. Some do it deliberately, most inadvertently. Humans bump and bruise their way into adulthood [...]

1 11, 2021

Character Training: The Virtue of Perseverance

By |2021-11-01T15:47:21-06:00November 1st, 2021|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting, Relationship|

The Fruits of the Spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control.   Think about what those look like in a person you admire. Can you recall people you appreciate because of their wisdom, sense of self, their calm spirit, and that their goodness radiates their character? As a result, isn’t their life the kind of life you see yourself living in some ways? In other words, the quality of their character [...]

28 10, 2021

Pequeños ojos

By |2021-10-28T04:15:41-06:00October 28th, 2021|Español|

La Carta onefamilia de hoy no es más que un  breve videoclip  de un bebé menor de 1 año y un poema que captura la realidad del corazón y la mente en crecimiento de un niño. Disfruta de ambos. Nuestros pequeños bebés nos están haciendo lo que aspiramos a hacerle a Dios: imitar Sus caminos. Los humanos estamos diseñados para copiar criaturas que intentan sincronizarse con nuestros dadores de vida. Piense en esto: En lo [...]

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