5 10, 2020

Dear God …show me a different way!

By |2020-10-05T13:12:11-06:00October 5th, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

We love this letter from our friends the Carter family. It speaks to the everyday challenges and obstacles we face as parents; that it is an ongoing journey which also takes ongoing equipping and encouragement to sustain us in those transitional seasons of life! Dear Journal, Kash and I reached a low point in our relationship yesterday. I screamed “shut up!” at him, which shocked him, and the littles. And hours later, he repeated it [...]

29 09, 2020

Family Identity

By |2020-09-29T14:31:07-06:00September 29th, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

What does it mean to be a Marr? This is one of the most important questions we faced as a young family. Being a Marr was not a question we contemplated walking down the aisle. For the two of us growing up in different cultures, Lis in Sweden and Dave in California, it’s interesting that family identity wasn’t one of the topics either of us encountered at the dinner table. But in raising our three [...]

21 09, 2020

Focused Parenting in a Pandemic Season

By |2020-09-21T16:07:50-06:00September 21st, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

Kids need their parents to lead them well.  We do so by teaching them practically “how” to do things and morally “why” to do them in order to shape their character and prepare them for adulthood.  Yet our leadership role can feel challenged as today’s kids have more information than ever before at their fingertips.  Current studies tell us that many Generation Z kids (kids born since 1997 to now) don’t ask Mom and Dad [...]

15 09, 2020

5 Ingredients To A Great Family

By |2020-09-15T08:48:54-06:00September 15th, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

Here are 5 ingredients to consider as you cook up ways to improve your marriage. We say ingredients as if to a delicious meal because each plays a role in the overall experience – none standing alone, each interacting to enhance the whole. There is no priority among these elements as circumstances could make a case for the emphasis of any element over the others. Yet each flavor adds a spice that truly makes a five-star meal. [...]

7 09, 2020

Blessing & Releasing Young Adults

By |2020-09-07T16:40:35-06:00September 7th, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

For every parent, there comes a day when you wake up to realize that your relationship with your maturing teen is about to change.  They are most likely a high school senior, making guided decisions for their future and taking the necessary steps to prepare for their life apart from you.  It’s a challenging time for most kids as they may seem to be hesitant or seem like they can hardly wait to get out [...]

1 09, 2020

Dad Fundamentals

By |2020-09-01T07:08:41-06:00September 1st, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

With anything that is a skill, there are basics that can be honed into muscle memory that make performance easy and effective. Whether it’s scooping up ground balls, shooting free throws, knocking in a 4-foot putt, or developing a pre-swing routine, it is these fundamentals you must practice over and over, not because fundamentals are simple (because they are not), but because the rest of the game is founded on the principles inherent in them. [...]

24 08, 2020

Thriving Families – Fall 2020 Schedule & Registration

By |2020-08-24T17:21:29-06:00August 24th, 2020|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

When you close your eyes and imagine what a thriving family looks like, what do you see? A quality home environment filled with encouragement and harmony? Husband and Wife on the same page and enjoying their relationship? Children laughing and enjoying one another and excelling in their development? Wonderful and meaningful holidays and vacations? Whatever vision you hold of what a thriving family looks like, do you see that in your family?  Building a healthy [...]

17 08, 2020

Mindset for an Uncertain School Year

By |2020-08-17T11:55:24-06:00August 17th, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting|

With school quickly approaching and the uncertainty surrounding what may or may not happen, we wanted to share some insights from the Widmier Family.  Not only are they wonderful friends and periodic contributors to this weekly letter, but Jon also serves as Social-Emotional Behavior Services Coordinator for Littleton Public Schools in Colorado. _______________ As we sit down and write this, it is hard to believe that 150 days have passed since remote learning started [...]

11 08, 2020

Instilling Curiosity In Your Kids

By |2020-08-11T09:16:59-06:00August 11th, 2020|Family Culture, Parenting|

One trait that separates humans from animals is our curiosity, the fascination we have with discovering new things. The dopamine hit and mental energy that comes from satisfying curiosity can develop a golden outcome where mental growth leads to understanding, more confidence, and more fascination about life that is increasingly more satisfying. A lifetime of mental exploration in an infinite universe of discovery. Isn’t this what we want for our kids? What can you do [...]

3 08, 2020

Developing Discernment

By |2020-08-03T11:07:50-06:00August 3rd, 2020|Family Culture, Personal, Relationship|

As we have both grown and matured since getting married right out of college, there is one skill we have learned to develop that has been significant in all of our relationships.  Whether it is with our marriage, our children, our family and friends, or everyday relationships at work or in our community, learning the skill of discernment has become a game changer in our lives. Discernment is the ability to gain understanding in order [...]

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