12 06, 2018

5 Elements of a Good Dad

By |2018-06-12T07:01:18-06:00June 12th, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

As Dave was driving with his young family through a mostly empty parking lot after attending parenting class, he slammed on the brakes, “OOOHHH!!!”, he yelled. Lis and the kids were alarmed. “WHAT?!! What’s wrong?!” “OH!   MY!   GOSH!!!” Dave exclaimed. “What daddy, what is it?!” the kids in the back seat were tense. “I LOVE YOUR MOM AND YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!!” The tension in the air popped. Dad was just goofin’ again. “Daaaadyyyy!” Lis [...]

7 06, 2018


By |2018-06-07T06:31:30-06:00June 7th, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

In a recent OneFamily Letter “Summer Time and the Livin is Easy”, we mentioned one of the positives of summertime was the kids having a sleepover, where play time doesn’t want to end, and pleading ensues to let “Timmy spend the night”. That letter caused some questions on the concerns some of our readers had about sleepovers. Today’s Letter expands on the idea of sleeping over and addresses those concerns. You are charged with the [...]

5 06, 2018

Summer Investment 2018

By |2018-05-21T19:09:47-06:00June 5th, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Personal, Relationship|

OneFamily is all about equipping, encouraging and sustaining couples as they journey in their marriages and parenting.  Many of the concepts, principles and ideas that we share each week, in our OneFamily letter and quotes, are derived from the Growing Families curriculum we have taught for the past 16 years.  As a result, we would be remiss if we didn’t make you aware of a fantastic opportunity to learn and connect with other families that [...]

21 05, 2018

Change Your Life by Making Your Bed

By |2018-05-21T18:33:52-06:00May 21st, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Personal|

It's graduation season!  There are preschoolers graduating to Kindergarten,  Kindergartners to Elementary School, Elementary to Middle School, Middle Schoolers to High School and so on. All graduations, to varying degrees, have commencement addresses.  These speeches are designed to impart wisdom and encourage students as they move to the next chapter in life. We recently came across a fantastic commencement address that has a simple message which is as applicable to the college graduate as to [...]

15 05, 2018

Summer Time and the Livin is Easy

By |2018-05-16T06:35:56-06:00May 15th, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

Summer!!! Gotta love it. Doesn’t that recall memories and create images of warm summer nights relaxing around the pool or play field with nary a care in the world? Playing with friends, drifting from day to day where every day is the weekend, Fourth of July, watermelon, bathing suits, bare feet, endless games with friends, sleeping in, later nights awake, visiting Gramma and Grampa, family vacation, and hanging out with the siblings. Does it get [...]

1 05, 2018

Hinge Point of Life

By |2018-05-01T08:51:44-06:00May 1st, 2018|Family Culture, Personal|

In every life there is a transition from the essence of youth into the experience of adulthood. Often within this transition is an episode that stands out as a hinge point of meaningful experience, which is designated as “the event” that dislodges understanding from the rock of ignorance. These hinge point experiences are retold as testimonies. As authors of these weekly letters to you, we continually confront the question as to what is valuable, what’s [...]

24 04, 2018

Parenting in the Digital Age Part 3 – Tips & Tools

By |2018-04-24T06:09:18-06:00April 24th, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

Parenting in the Digital Age can be challenging to navigate.  In the first two parts of this series, our intention was to give you an overall understanding of the issues that come with technology and help you form a clear perspective to manage it thoughtfully in your home.  This week we offer 3 areas, with specific tools and resources, to consider when implementing  technology strategies and plans in your home. Communication is critical and must [...]

17 04, 2018

Parenting in the Digital Age Part 2 – Rose Colored Glasses

By |2018-04-20T10:03:34-06:00April 17th, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting, Relationship|

Last week in our Playing with Fire letter, we highlighted three areas that Moms and Dad should have awareness and understanding as they parent in the Digital Age. Health Effects – Brain Development, Melatonin & Dopamine Safety Issues – Cyber Bullying, Identify Theft, Online Predators Behavior Complications – Moods, Empathy & Relationships The research and information in these areas provides you with knowledge you need to form a healthy perspective without fearing the challenges that [...]

10 04, 2018

Parenting in the Digital Age Part 1- Playing with Fire

By |2018-04-10T08:07:30-06:00April 10th, 2018|Family Culture, Health, Parenting|

Do you have a 4 year old that uses a tablet or 13 year old that is glued to their phone? If so, you have a Screenager!  A Screenager is any toddler, child or teen that actively uses digital media or technology.  And while there are many wonderful aspects of our Digital Age, there are also many challenges that come with it! Over the next three weeks, our goal is to equip and encourage you [...]

3 04, 2018

The Harvest

By |2018-04-03T10:56:40-06:00April 3rd, 2018|Family Culture, Parenting|

You have been blessed with wonderful children whose very nature is one of love and of learning. And you are their teacher in both. Season after season, you’ll have these saplings of yours that will look to you to guide them in the ways of love and the ways of the world. It’s just that simple. Like the gardener who always has a new crop of challenges of weeds and insects, sunny days and cloudy, [...]

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