4 07, 2021

Guard your Tongue and Tone

By |2021-07-06T07:29:37-06:00July 4th, 2021|Family Culture, Letters, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship|

The 3rd and 4th Generation This is the second in a 4 part series about creating new patterns in your family that will bless the 3rd & 4th generation. 1) Stake in the Ground 2) Guard your Tongue and Tone 3) Can Do or Must Do 4) What’s Missing “The Lord…who keeps loving kindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity [...]

19 06, 2021

5 Elements of a Good Dad

By |2021-06-19T10:04:55-06:00June 19th, 2021|Letters, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship|

As Dave was driving with his young family through a mostly empty parking lot after attending parenting class, he slammed on the brakes, “OOOHHH!!!”. Lis and the kids were alarmed. “WHAT?!! What’s wrong?!” “OH!   MY!   GOSH!!!” Dave exclaimed. “What daddy, what is it?!” the kids in the back seat were tense. “I LOVE YOUR MOM AND YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!!” The tension in the air popped. Dad was just goofin’ again. “Daaaadyyyy!” Lis just shook [...]

21 05, 2021

Let your Yeses be Yes

By |2021-05-22T06:47:42-06:00May 21st, 2021|Family Culture, Letters, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship|

“Can I ride my bike to the park with Ryan?” “No, not today sweetie!” Starting during the toddler years and continuing all through the adolescent years, there is a parenting tendency that seeps into a child’s psyche and deeply influences their motivations, efforts, and even their very personality. As parents we brought our own upbringing into the marriage and needed to get on the same page when providing answers to our children’s request. Lis grew [...]

16 05, 2021

The Transitioning Parent

By |2021-05-16T14:34:55-06:00May 16th, 2021|Family Culture, Health, Letters, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship, Uncategorized|

If we’ve learned anything in the years we’ve lead parenting classes, it is this: The parenting process is a series of relational transitions.  In our Parenting Phases letter, we described four stages and the relational phases: Birth to Toddlerhood – Discipline Phase Toddlerhood to Childhood – Training Phase Childhood to Teenagers – Coaching Phase Late Teens though Adulthood – Mentoring/Friendship Phase It’s often difficult for parents to transition through each of these phases and make [...]

27 04, 2021

Untying the Knots of the Heart

By |2021-04-27T06:41:20-06:00April 27th, 2021|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

Moms and Dads attend OneFamily parenting classes to find answers. Should a child sleep in the parent’s bed? Is offering a reward for good behavior a bribe? If you take away a privilege, how and when should you restore it? Are timeouts really effective? How do you get your children to play nice with one another? Should you spank, and if yes, then for what reason and how should you do it? How should you [...]

22 03, 2021

Marriage First 2021

By |2021-03-22T13:36:33-06:00March 22nd, 2021|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

Having a healthy and thriving family begins with a health marriage. We believe that the marriage relationship should be the first priority within the family structure… even before our kids! In today’s society, there is constant pressure to put our children first above EVERYTHING else in the family environment.  This misguided prioritization can ultimately lead to child-centered parenting and even divorce.  Don’t get us wrong.  Our children are a top priority.  And just because we [...]

29 12, 2020

Top Ten Parenting Tips

By |2021-12-16T14:17:28-07:00December 29th, 2020|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

"Be patient, be a good listener, be consistent..." these are just some of the more common “Top Parenting Tips” you'll find when searching around the Internet.  And we would agree with many of those tips.  However, we thought it would be fun, and encouraging, to provide you with our top ten parenting tips that have most impacted us over the years. 10) Have fun and enjoy your kids – It was very easy for us [...]

28 12, 2020

Creating a Thriving Family

By |2020-12-28T09:46:50-07:00December 28th, 2020|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

What does a thriving family look like? Certainly, there are many answers to this question, but we believe at the heart of a thriving family is a healthy marriage and effective parenting. It is an encouraging home environment where children are flourishing with everyone feeling emotionally and spiritually fulfilled in each other's company. Our marriage and family life is definitely not “Perfect.” Yet, our home life is characterized by our efforts toward being the [...]

5 12, 2020

Parenting with Confidence and Joy

By |2020-12-05T13:26:49-07:00December 5th, 2020|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

Young parents and even experienced parents cannot anticipate the wide array of challenges that come with raising their children.  Many couples are “winging it” and can be blindsided by children’s unexpected emotions, behaviors and logistical issues that arise.  In these stressful moments, any parent can feel overwhelmed and frustrated and their best intentions go out the window. This is when parents wish they had been laying a solid foundation for their marriage and children early [...]

24 08, 2020

Thriving Families – Fall 2020 Schedule & Registration

By |2020-08-24T17:21:29-06:00August 24th, 2020|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

When you close your eyes and imagine what a thriving family looks like, what do you see? A quality home environment filled with encouragement and harmony? Husband and Wife on the same page and enjoying their relationship? Children laughing and enjoying one another and excelling in their development? Wonderful and meaningful holidays and vacations? Whatever vision you hold of what a thriving family looks like, do you see that in your family?  Building a healthy [...]

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