28 11, 2017

The Thriving Family

By |2017-11-28T06:31:23-07:00November 28th, 2017|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

When you close your eyes and imagine what a thriving family looks like, what do you see? A quality home environment filled with encouragement and harmony? Husband and Wife on the same page and enjoying their relationship? Children laughing and enjoying one another and excelling in their development? Wonderful and meaningful holidays and vacations? Whatever vision you hold of what a thriving family looks like, do you see that in your family? Building a healthy [...]

27 11, 2017

A Thriving Family

By |2017-12-12T08:01:06-07:00November 27th, 2017|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting|

When you close your eyes and imagine what a thriving family looks like, what do you see? A quality home environment filled with encouragement and harmony? Husband and Wife on the same page and enjoying their relationship? Children laughing and enjoying one another and excelling in their development? Wonderful and meaningful holidays and vacations? Whatever vision you hold of what a thriving family looks like, do you see that in your family? Building a healthy [...]

18 10, 2017

Skiing with Integrity

By |2017-10-18T07:02:57-06:00October 18th, 2017|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting, Relationship|

Let’s say your 12-year-old is asked to go skiing with a friend’s family. It’s expensive, about $75 for the ticket, plus overpriced food. Since the parents of your son’s friend knows it would be a burden, they graciously offer to let your son use a season pass they have that pictures their other son who is not going. What do you do? Is it a no brainer? Do you take their offer and save the [...]

10 10, 2017

Core Family Values / 21 Day Challenge

By |2017-10-10T08:30:04-06:00October 10th, 2017|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting, Personal|

Core family values should be at the heart of your parenting.  It helps you to define the “WHY’ of your parenting and establishes a character foundation that every member of the family should be familiar with. Whether you have toddlers or teens, it’s never too late to define and establish your Core Family Values (CFV). Where to begin Brainstorming and creating a list– Begin by compiling a broad list of values you want to define [...]

3 10, 2017

Words of Life

By |2017-10-03T07:33:34-06:00October 3rd, 2017|Marriage, Parenting|

“Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth but that which is edifying and ministers grace to the hearer” (Eph, 4:29) This past weekend the Colorado OneFamily community was blessed by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo who led parenting workshops over a 3-day visit. They did as they usually do, offered specific answers to troubled parents dealing with the multitude of challenges facing young families. In their remarks, they highlighted a major theme in their [...]

26 09, 2017

Family Investment

By |2017-09-26T06:44:14-06:00September 26th, 2017|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting, Personal|

The most successful investments involve stewarding your time, talents and treasure to achieve the highest possible gain over and above the amount you initially invested. Over the years, we have made some good and poor investments.  But, by far, the greatest investment we have ever made was investing in our family.  Stewarding our time, talents, and treasure by investing in our family has paid off more than we even imagined.  And it still continues to [...]

19 09, 2017

Time of Non-conflict (TONIC)

By |2017-09-19T06:34:52-06:00September 19th, 2017|Marriage, Parenting, Relationship|

Blah. Blah blah. Blah. Blah, blah, blah! This is the sound or noise that children, spouses, and friends hear when we try to communicate during times of conflict.  Meaningful conversations and effective communication never occurs when people are angry, frustrated, exhausted, feeling defensive or mentally preoccupied.  You cannot  teach a child the principles of self-control while they are having a “level 10” meltdown in the grocery store.  Nor can you discuss marital issues (parenting, finances, [...]

1 08, 2017

Equipping, Encouraging & Sustaining Families

By |2017-08-01T07:37:02-06:00August 1st, 2017|Marriage, Parenting, Personal|

“OneFamily has been so empowering in helping us to be on the same page with parenting.  It's equipped us with the same language to use in our goals and a shared vision for our family & children!” Trish, Parker “I found (OneFamily) extremely useful and relevant to my family's situation.  I plan to utilize many of the great teachings from both the class material and our awesome leaders.” Levi, Highlands Ranch  “As a parent of [...]

13 06, 2017

Summer Investment

By |2017-06-13T07:09:40-06:00June 13th, 2017|Family Culture, Marriage, Parenting, Personal, Relationship|

OneFamily is all about equipping, encouraging and sustaining couples as they journey in their marriages and parenting.  Many of the concepts, principles and ideas that we share each week, in our OneFamily letter and quotes, are derived from the Growing Families curriculum we have taught for the past 15 years.  As a result, we would be remiss if we didn’t make you aware of a fantastic opportunity to learn and connect with other families that [...]

30 05, 2017

What a Woman Needs – Part 3

By |2017-05-30T15:06:02-06:00May 30th, 2017|Marriage, Relationship|

This is part 3 of a 3 part series that went out to Dave’s Ironmen group. We thought it was worth a posting on OneFamily to provide some thought provoking couchtime conversation! “ This 3-part discussion, “What a Woman Needs”, is intended to provide you discussion points with the woman you have taken to become your suitable helper, the one you’ve empowered to speak into your life, and who you’ve promised to love, honor, and [...]

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