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30 04, 2023

Keeping on Track with Your Parenting

By |2023-04-30T14:11:26-06:00April 30th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Parenting is a process that has many seasons and phases.  There were times in our own parenting when we could easily get stuck in a particular season or phase. Typically we would become comfortable in the strategies that were working and forget to look ahead to the upcoming season in our boys’ growth and development. Before we knew it, Trevor and Alex had outgrown our parenting! Three Key Areas To Watch Evaluating kids’ freedoms and [...]

21 04, 2023

Being God’s Face To Your Child

By |2023-04-21T06:37:57-06:00April 21st, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

To your children, God looks and acts like you. They will come to define God’s love based on how they have experienced your love. Their self-worth will be based on that definition, a love that finds the right balance of words and actions to coax and mold appropriate behavior and effort. Their life is a divine journey of discovery guided by you. And for those parents who understand the depth of this blessing, they recognize [...]

15 04, 2023

Obey is NOT a Four Letter Word

By |2023-04-15T06:22:59-06:00April 15th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

About a year ago, we were invited to be a part of a parenting program where we would record video segments and offer parenting advice to young parents – much like these Tuesday Letters.  After a couple months of recording and producing a couple video segments, we submitted them for upload on their website and mobile app.  To our stunned surprise, our initial video discussing toddler obedience, was rejected by their content committee and we [...]

10 04, 2023

Sticks and Stones

By |2023-04-10T05:52:48-06:00April 10th, 2023|Letters, Parenting, Uncategorized|

As a parent, if the long-term goal is to raise a child whose inner life is one of abundant positivity, a joy that expresses itself in family relationships, friend relationships, a relationship with God, and a desire and ability to serve others in work and community, your parenting efforts must assist in developing a psyche strong enough to engage in a full life. Recently Dave was interacting with a young man in his mid-20’s over [...]

3 04, 2023

Navigating Tough Topics

By |2023-04-03T08:19:45-06:00April 3rd, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

As parents we are often faced with having to discuss difficult topics and issues with our children.  Whether it’s school violence, a family illness, the loss of a beloved pet or a death in the family, the depth and breadth of such topics can leave parents overwhelmed as to how to navigate these challenging waters. From our own experience, we’ve found that these tough topics are best addressed in three distinct ways:  In the moment, [...]

22 03, 2023

Relational Time Management

By |2023-03-22T07:17:14-06:00March 22nd, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Zig Ziglar said children spell love T-I-M-E.  We remember how hard it was when our boys were young to carve out time for them as we juggled work, housework, working out, errands, quiet time, kids’ activities and the list goes on.  We did a lot of things with and for our kids, but the truth is that’s not the same as giving them time. With the spring activities gearing up, it’s important that kids know [...]

17 03, 2023

Fly The Flag

By |2023-03-17T19:25:38-06:00March 17th, 2023|Family Culture, Letters|

We’re Broncos fans here in our house, even though they’ve hardly been worth cheering for almost a decade. Nonetheless, they’re our team. We used to hate the Raiders, you know, football hate. Not that we genuinely celebrated injury to an opposing player or ill toward Raiders’ fans, but just normal football spirited team favoritism. The idea that children have an innate pull to be on a team is beyond dispute. Take most any 3 or [...]

14 03, 2023

When Toddlers and Lattes Don’t Mix

By |2023-03-14T06:29:34-06:00March 14th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Have you ever considered why some of the simplest outings with our young children can go horribly wrong?  How difficult can it be to have coffee with friends…Right?!?! Our friend Rachel is a busy mom of three boys, who just wanted to get coffee with a friend one day.  Here is a wonderful story of what happened and what she learned from her frustrating and embarrassing experience. Children run amok over lattes as I recall [...]

6 03, 2023

Love is Action

By |2023-03-06T09:05:38-07:00March 6th, 2023|Letters, Marriage|

If there was one idea, one thought, one technique that if practiced regularly would eventually take your marriage to a 10, your children’s wellbeing into the winner’s column, and your life to enriching heights, would you incorporate it? Seems obvious when stated so clearly, but what is ever that clear? If you’re like every other person on the planet, you are a work in progress. Which means to say that you are more mature than [...]

27 02, 2023

Private World Moments

By |2023-02-27T10:22:13-07:00February 27th, 2023|Family Culture, Letters|

One of the greatest parenting joys is when your child lets you into their private world. What is the private world?  Generally speaking, it is a special place where we all hold deeper thoughts, treasured memories, and feel the most vulnerable. It is the essence of who we are. The private world is what we share with our spouse and only our most trusted and closest friends. As our children begin to grow and become [...]

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