20 12, 2024

Fruits of the Year

By |2024-12-20T15:21:06-07:00December 20th, 2024|Family Culture, Letters, Personal|

Clearly you are more mature today than you were 5 years ago. And to be sure, you’re likely to be more mature 5 years from now than you are today. In what way? Your kids will lead you to the answer. Setting goals for the year is definitely a worthwhile endeavor, though it is commonplace to lose energy and focus on those objectives as the clean slate of the coming year gets filled with life. [...]

16 12, 2024

Unexpected Blessing

By |2024-12-16T11:01:17-07:00December 16th, 2024|Letters, Parenting, Personal|

A successful parenting journey requires consistency, patience, and resolve. Yet the journey is often filled with frustration, anxiety, and, at times, hopelessness even when we are trying to do our best. Thankfully, there are those moments that can unexpectedly encourage and sustain us in the process! Recently, we were reminded of a heartwarming story shared by friends and OneFamily parents. This story beautifully illustrates one of those unexpected moments when parents receive affirmation that their [...]

9 12, 2024

The Parenting Journey

By |2024-12-09T16:27:30-07:00December 9th, 2024|Family Culture, Letters, Personal|

The mission of OneFamily is to equip, encourage and sustain you throughout your marriage and parenting journey. For nearly 10 years, we have committed ourselves to serving families, one family at a time, with classes, seminars, events, one-on-one coaching/mentoring, and online with our daily quotes and Tuesday Letters of encouragement.  This means you have ongoing access to OneFamily long after you’ve first participated in one of our programs. This year, we worked directly with 2,400 [...]

18 11, 2024

CouchTime & Family Conversation Cards 2024

By |2024-11-18T11:07:50-07:00November 18th, 2024|Marriage, Personal, Relationship|

New!  CouchTime Conversations Cards! As we head into the holiday season, we are excited to share that we have added CouchTime Conversation Cards to our conversation card line up!  This is a great way to enhance your CouchTime and strengthen your marriage relationship.  If you are not familiar with CouchTime or Time of Non-conflict, you can learn more by visiting our resource page. Our Family Conversation Cards are also available in English and Spanish!  When [...]

25 08, 2024

Team Good

By |2024-08-25T14:46:41-06:00August 25th, 2024|Parenting, Personal|

Football season is upon us. We’re Broncos fans here in our house, even though they’ve hardly been worth cheering for almost a decade. Nonetheless, they’re our team. We used to hate the Raiders, you know, football hate. Not that we genuinely celebrated injury to an opposing player or ill toward Raiders’ fans, but just normal football spirited team favoritism. The idea that children have an innate desire to be on a team is beyond dispute. [...]

12 08, 2024

Turning Failure into Success – Make your Bed!

By |2024-08-12T18:25:40-06:00August 12th, 2024|Parenting, Personal|

It started when Dano was in 2nd grade. Every morning, he’d lollygag and not be ready when it was time to go. Lis would continuously push him from one morning routine activity to another “Is your bed made?” “Are you done with breakfast?” “Is your backpack ready?” “Did you put your homework in your folder?” “Let’s go Daniel, we’re going to be late.” You’re supposed to hand off responsibility when a child is capable of [...]

26 07, 2024

The Key to a Daughter’s Heart

By |2024-07-26T12:26:33-06:00July 26th, 2024|Parenting, Personal|

Tissues required. 20 years ago, Dave gave a tiny little key held by a gold chain to our daughter when she turned 13. It was to mark that she was becoming a woman and was a key to the treasures of her heart. Dave told Shelli those many yesterday’s ago that he would give it to her for safekeeping but someday someone else would come along and claim it. That day arrived on July 20th. [...]

22 07, 2024

Impacting Families in Transformative Ways

By |2024-07-26T12:26:54-06:00July 22nd, 2024|Personal|

“We love OneFamily and the impact that it continues to have on our family. We tell all our family and friends about the classes, weekly letters & daily quotes and the blessing that it has been to us and our children!” Impacting families in a transformative way is at the heart of our mission with OneFamily!  This means equipping families with practical resources and encouraging them through those challenging days to persevere while sustaining them [...]

10 12, 2022

Family Conversation Cards

By |2022-12-10T12:01:25-07:00December 10th, 2022|Letters, Parenting, Personal, Relationship|

When our boys were about 6 and 4 years old we began a new family tradition that helped us engage in meaningful conversations with them.  Little did we know how this tool would create many wonderful memories, help us communicate more effectively with our kids and take our parenting efforts and relationships with each of them to a higher level! As we head into Christmas and the New Year, we are excited to share that [...]

15 07, 2022

OneFamily Impacting Families

By |2022-07-15T05:39:50-06:00July 15th, 2022|Letters, Personal|

Impacting families in a meaningful and transformative way is at the heart of our mission with OneFamily! It’s about building a loving and thriving home environment where children and marriages are flourishing with everyone growing, maturing, and feeling emotionally connected with one another. This means equipping families with practical resources, encouraging them through the challenging days to persevere while sustaining them in their marriage and parenting journey. With summer in full swing, we are excited to [...]

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