
About Lis and Dave Marr

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So far Lis and Dave Marr has created 272 blog entries.
12 01, 2025

Being God’s Love to Your Child

By |2025-01-15T14:52:18-07:00January 12th, 2025|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

To your child, God looks and acts like you. They will come to understand God’s love based on how they have experienced your love. Their self-worth will be based on that understanding - a love that finds the right balance of words and actions to encourage, coax, and mold appropriate behavior and effort. Their life is a divine journey of discovery guided by you. And for those parents who understand the depth of this blessing, [...]

20 12, 2024

Fruits of the Year

By |2025-01-09T13:57:36-07:00December 20th, 2024|Family Culture, Letters, Personal|

Clearly you are more mature today than you were 5 years ago. And to be sure, you’re likely to be more mature 5 years from now than you are today. In what way? Your kids will lead you to the answer. Setting goals for the year is definitely a worthwhile endeavor, though it is commonplace to lose energy and focus on those objectives as the clean slate of the coming year gets filled with life. [...]

10 11, 2024

Dealing with Rebellion

By |2024-11-04T11:14:05-07:00November 10th, 2024|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

This is an actual (paraphrased) exchange we had with our 16-year-old son.  If you are using the Parenting Funnel philosophy (Parenting from the Tree of Life – Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo) on how to provide freedoms to your children, this is how it played out at the Marr house. “A teen rebels not against authority, but against relationship” (Ezzo). As a child grows, parenting philosophy on why decisions are made should be transparent AND [...]

10 10, 2024

Hacer el Amor

By |2024-10-20T22:57:16-06:00October 10th, 2024|Español|

Por supuesto, al leer la frase "hacer el amor" la mente se dirige al acto sexual, pero como todos sabemos, no necesitamos amor para tener sexo. Hacer el amor es mucho más que sexo. Y, en nuestra afirmación aquí, hacer el amor es una dinámica que mejora la cultura familiar mucho más allá del sexo en todas las áreas de la vida matrimonial y familiar, con el efecto resultante de aumentar la conexión y la [...]

7 10, 2024

Making Love

By |2024-10-07T15:46:47-06:00October 7th, 2024|Letters, Marriage, Relationship|

Of course, when reading the phrase “making love” one’s mind goes to the act of sex, but as we all know we don’t need love to have sex. Making love is so much more than sex. And, in our assertion here, making love is a dynamic that enhances the family culture well beyond sex into all areas of marital and family life, with a resulting effect of increasing connectedness and intimacy. And, of course, this [...]

26 09, 2024

No Nomas Termines tu Tarea, ¡ Aprende de tu Tarea!

By |2024-10-20T22:57:27-06:00September 26th, 2024|Español|

Esperamos que haya recogido un tema importante de OneFamily: la identidad familiar. La identidad familiar tarda años en desarrollar una hipótesis de trabajo decente y años y años después de eso para probarla a través de innumerables escenarios. Los deberes son una de esas áreas que pone en juego muchos factores familiares en los que la identidad familiar puede utilizarse de forma positiva y eficaz. ¿Qué significa realmente para un niño "la calificación no es [...]

22 09, 2024

Don’t get THROUGH your homework – get FROM your homework

By |2024-09-22T15:07:07-06:00September 22nd, 2024|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

We hope you’ve picked up on a major theme from OneFamily – Family Identity. Family Identity takes ages to develop a decent working hypothesis and years and years after that to prove it out through countless scenarios. Homework is one such area that brings many family factors into play where Family Identity can be used positively and effectively. What does “the grade isn’t as important as the effort you put into it” actually mean to [...]

29 08, 2024

Buen Equipo

By |2024-08-24T23:49:22-06:00August 29th, 2024|Español|

La temporada de fútbol está a la vuelta de la esquina. Somos fanáticos de los Broncos aquí en nuestra casa, a pesar de que apenas ha sido digno de ser aplaudido durante casi una década. No obstante, son nuestro equipo. Solíamos odiar a los Raiders, ya sabes, odio al fútbol americano. No es que realmente celebráramos la lesión de un jugador rival o el mal hacia los fanáticos de los Raiders, sino simplemente el favoritismo [...]

25 08, 2024

Team Good

By |2024-08-25T14:46:41-06:00August 25th, 2024|Parenting, Personal|

Football season is upon us. We’re Broncos fans here in our house, even though they’ve hardly been worth cheering for almost a decade. Nonetheless, they’re our team. We used to hate the Raiders, you know, football hate. Not that we genuinely celebrated injury to an opposing player or ill toward Raiders’ fans, but just normal football spirited team favoritism. The idea that children have an innate desire to be on a team is beyond dispute. [...]

14 08, 2024

Convirtiendo el Fracaso en Exito – ¡Haz tu Cama!

By |2024-08-24T22:58:48-06:00August 14th, 2024|Español|

Todo comenzó cuando Dano estaba en 2º grado. Todas las mañanas, se quedaba dormido y no estaba listo cuando era hora de irse. Lis lo empujaba continuamente de una actividad rutinaria matutina a otra: "¿Tu cama está hecha?" —¿Ya terminaste de desayunar? "¿Tu mochila está lista?" "¿Pusiste tu tarea en tu carpeta?" "Vamos Daniel, vamos a llegar tarde". Se supone que debes transferir la responsabilidad cuando un niño es capaz de manejarla. Sin embargo, esta [...]

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