
About Lis and Dave Marr

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So far Lis and Dave Marr has created 272 blog entries.
17 03, 2023

Fly The Flag

By |2023-03-17T19:25:38-06:00March 17th, 2023|Family Culture, Letters|

We’re Broncos fans here in our house, even though they’ve hardly been worth cheering for almost a decade. Nonetheless, they’re our team. We used to hate the Raiders, you know, football hate. Not that we genuinely celebrated injury to an opposing player or ill toward Raiders’ fans, but just normal football spirited team favoritism. The idea that children have an innate pull to be on a team is beyond dispute. Take most any 3 or [...]

8 03, 2023

El Amor es Acción

By |2023-03-09T15:29:12-07:00March 8th, 2023|Español|

Si hubiera una idea, un pensamiento, una técnica que, si se practicara regularmente, eventualmente llevaria su matrimonio a un 10, el bienestar de sus hijos a la columna de un ganador y su vida a alturas enriquecedoras, ¿Lo incorporarías?  Parece obvio cuando se dice tan claramente, pero ¿qué es tan claro? Si eres como cualquier otra persona en el planeta, eres un trabajo en progreso. Lo que significa que eres más maduro de lo que eras [...]

6 03, 2023

Love is Action

By |2023-03-06T09:05:38-07:00March 6th, 2023|Letters, Marriage|

If there was one idea, one thought, one technique that if practiced regularly would eventually take your marriage to a 10, your children’s wellbeing into the winner’s column, and your life to enriching heights, would you incorporate it? Seems obvious when stated so clearly, but what is ever that clear? If you’re like every other person on the planet, you are a work in progress. Which means to say that you are more mature than [...]

16 02, 2023

El Comienzo del Perdón Adulto 

By |2023-03-09T15:31:54-07:00February 16th, 2023|Español|

Una de las habilidades más poderosas que puede enseñarle a su hijo, que aumentará inmensamente su probabilidad de una vida madura, equilibrada y feliz, es la habilidad del perdón adulto. Hemos hablado en estas cartas sobre el perdón de la infancia, que es una base importante para mantener las relaciones y no ser agobiado por un corazón pesado atado por sentimientos de dolor en los primeros años. Es fundamental dejar ir el dolor y superar el incidente. [...]

16 02, 2023

The Beginning of Adult Forgiveness

By |2023-02-16T08:39:41-07:00February 16th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

One of the most powerful skills you can teach your child that will immensely increase their likelihood of a mature, well-balanced, happy, life is the skill of adult forgiveness. We’ve talked in these Letters about childhood forgiveness which is an important foundation for maintaining relationships and not being burdened by a heavy heart bound up by feelings of hurt in the early years. It’s foundational to release the hurt and move past the incident. Imagine [...]

23 01, 2023

Strengthening Character with 2 Concepts

By |2023-01-23T15:40:40-07:00January 23rd, 2023|Letters, Parenting, Uncategorized|

As parents, it is a challenge and a blessing to provide the language that our children will use as the building blocks which forms their thinking structure. If we use constructive words, words of life, and positive reinforcement words when we encourage, then those are the concepts that will form their reality and the development of their character. Here are 2 concepts that have helped us with our children to develop their internal thought processes that affected their [...]

8 01, 2023

The Spirit of Growth

By |2023-01-08T09:20:43-07:00January 8th, 2023|Family Culture, Letters|

Every other week the Howards, Shelly and Rich, and the Marrs, Lis and Dave, trade off writing a OneFamily Letter with the intent to nudge, influence, educate, support and, in small part, come alongside women and men who are hard at work in the job of life. On the whole, life can be…well, complicated. They don’t teach parenting, marriage, or being an adult in school. It is true that a small misconception of how “things [...]

1 12, 2022

Character Training: Words of Life

By |2022-12-03T10:59:15-07:00December 1st, 2022|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

You are teaching your children how to be – to act, to speak, to think.   For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. - Proverbs 23:7 As a Man Thinketh  - James Allen Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth but that which is edifying and ministers grace to the hearer. - Ephesians 4:29   We are programmable biologically to where the brain gets wired differently when we are bathed in [...]

11 11, 2022

Character Training: The Virtue of Balance

By |2022-11-11T18:54:51-07:00November 11th, 2022|Letters, Parenting|

The idea that you’ll raise your children the same, each receiving equal amounts of your time, energy, money and intangibles is a commendable idea, but unrealistic. Equality certainly should be true as it pertains to your love and your moral guidance, but the simple truth is that love is often perceived by children through the allocation of limited resources. Consider the scenario if you have 3 children in sports. A boy might be gifted in [...]

13 10, 2022

Communicating with a Closed Child – Part 3

By |2022-10-16T12:10:07-06:00October 13th, 2022|Letters, Parenting|

“You’ve got a bad attitude” Dave’s dad would say. He apparently looked at the facial expression, the demeanor, and behavior and determined that Dave wasn’t measuring up to some standard he had. That clearly was the takeaway, not measuring up. But what was the standard? What was the attitude supposed to look like? And by declaring a “bad attitude”, what was Dave to do differently? It was never made clear. Kevin, our son, was a [...]

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