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4 12, 2023

A Family Investment

By |2023-12-05T05:44:35-07:00December 4th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

The demands and pressure of life sometimes become overwhelming.  As a result, we can get sidetracked from the meaningful things our hearts desire – like being a good intentional parent.  In desperation, we look for the one thing or a quick online resource to help us to put a “Band-Aid” on whatever issue of the day we’re dealing with in the moment.  All the while, we keep thinking (hoping) that we’ll have time later to [...]

27 11, 2023

OneFamily – Making a Difference in 2023!

By |2023-11-28T13:00:08-07:00November 27th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Impacting families in a transformative way is at the heart of our mission with OneFamily! It’s about building a loving and thriving home environment where children and marriages are flourishing with everyone growing, maturing, and feeling emotionally connected with one another. This means equipping families with practical resources, and encouraging them through the challenging days to persevere while sustaining them in their marriage and parenting journey. Today, families and marriages are facing challenges like never [...]

19 11, 2023

A Season for Family Identity, Traditions & Gratitude – 2023

By |2023-11-19T09:52:41-07:00November 19th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Is your family characterized by having an attitude of gratitude?  When creating family identity do you cultivate and teach gratitude?  Among the many reasons we love the Holiday Season, Thanksgiving to Christmas, is that it provided us a wonderful opportunity to build our family identity through family traditions that encouraged Trevor and Alex’s young hearts towards internalizing the virtue of gratitude. Family Identity with Family Traditions Family identity is an anchor for you and your [...]

13 11, 2023

Harmony with the Grandparents Part 2

By |2023-11-13T16:20:28-07:00November 13th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Last week we shared Part 1 of Harmony with the Grandparents. ____________________________________________ “Hey Dad, can we talk for a minute?” “Sure, what’s up?” “I need to bring something up that’s an issue that is delicate. It’s about Mom and my wife.” “Ok, I’m listening.” “Well, I need to start by saying that I love you very much. I enjoy getting together and sharing my life with you. To see you playing with the kids and [...]

6 11, 2023

Harmony with the Grandparents

By |2023-11-06T16:20:53-07:00November 6th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

A functional relationship with the previous generation is a blessing to your family. The holiday gatherings, text banter, the regular FaceTime, weekend dinners with Grandma and Grandpa – your kids can grow up with a wholesome intergenerational connectedness that grounds them in a lifetime of wellbeing. But sometimes the relationship with parents or in-laws is such that harmony isn’t on the menu. There are a surprising number of marriages where the relationship with parents don’t [...]

29 10, 2023

Halloween & The Preciousness of Others

By |2023-10-29T07:35:06-06:00October 29th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

As much as we enjoy Halloween, we were always glad when it was behind us.  Sure, we enjoyed many aspects of trick or treating like the time a 4-year-old Elvis impersonator came to the door and said, “Thank you.  Thank you very much” in his deepest little voice.  But, with all the fun and excitement, there is also a certain kind of craziness that is driven by the childhood narcotic – Candy.  It’s as if [...]

20 10, 2023

Time of Non-conflict (TONIC) Challenge

By |2023-10-23T17:08:26-06:00October 20th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Blah. Blah blah. Blah. Blah, blah, blah! This is the sound or noise that children, spouses, and friends hear when we try to communicate during times of conflict.  Meaningful conversations and effective communication never occur when people are angry, frustrated, exhausted, feeling defensive or mentally preoccupied.  You cannot teach a child the principles of self-control while they are having a “level 10” meltdown in the grocery store.  Nor can you discuss marital issues (parenting, finances, [...]

14 10, 2023

Dinner Discussions

By |2023-10-14T05:58:58-06:00October 14th, 2023|Finances, Letters|

Dinnertime discussions – If we were to list the things that made our family so connected, dinner-time conversations would be near the top. Rich and Shelly wrote on this topic (here) which is worth a re-read. Our take on this critical family engagement opportunity has brought back many great memories. Dinner time was a priority, particularly on Sunday night. Although occasionally Dave would work into nighttime activities during the week, he made it a priority [...]

10 10, 2023

Academics: Grades & School Work – Part 3

By |2023-10-10T06:34:49-06:00October 10th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

A Three-Part Series on Sports, Activities & Academics Competitive Youth Sports & Activities Gone Wild The Real Value of Youth Sports & Activities Academics: Grades & School Work Parenting is one of the most prideful areas of adult life and it can foster extreme emotions.  When our children become kindergartners, we will rejoice in our child’s perfect behavior and then become horrified when we get reports of misbehavior from the teacher.  In elementary school, we [...]

3 10, 2023

The Real Value of Youth Sports & Activities – Part 2

By |2023-10-03T07:47:08-06:00October 3rd, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

A Three-Part Series on Sports, Activities & Academics Competitive Youth Sports & Activities Gone Wild The Real Value of Youth Sports & Activities Academics: Grades & School Work In our country, we are blessed to have wonderful youth sports programs for kids that do so much more than teach children skills for playing sports. Sports and activities teach kids about life while providing health benefits, increased prosocial behavior, improved emotional and psychological health, increased academic [...]

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