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7 07, 2023

The Five Minute Opportunity

By |2023-07-07T05:28:50-06:00July 7th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

As a parent you want to see your children succeed in obeying your instructions. You also want to see your spouse succeed in respecting your relationship.  Their opportunity, for that success, can be greatly improved by you proactively creating an environment for them to succeed in meeting those expectations. One simple tool that creates an opportunity for success is the “Five Minute Warning”.   Over the years we’ve relabeled this tool to elevate and reflect [...]

1 07, 2023

Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy

By |2023-07-01T06:02:19-06:00July 1st, 2023|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

Summer!!! Gotta love it! Doesn’t that recall memories and create images of warm summer nights relaxing around the pool or play field with nary a care in the world? Playing with friends, drifting from day to day where every day is the weekend, Fourth of July and midsummer, watermelon, bathing suits, bare feet, endless games with friends, sleeping in, later nights awake, visiting Gramma and Grampa, family vacation, and hanging out with the siblings. Does [...]

26 06, 2023

Defining Core Family Values

By |2023-06-26T18:58:19-06:00June 26th, 2023|Family Culture, Letters|

Core family values should be at the heart of your parenting.  These values help you to define the “WHY’ of your parenting and establishes a character foundation that every member of the family should be familiar with. Whether you have toddlers or teens, it’s never too late to define and establish your Core Family Values (CFV). Where to begin Brainstorming and creating a list Begin by compiling a broad list of values you want to [...]

16 06, 2023

Eyes Up!

By |2023-06-17T15:21:03-06:00June 16th, 2023|Letters, Parenting, Uncategorized|

One of the best things we’ve seen in a long time is a recent press conference by the University of Oklahoma Women’s Softball team that has gone viral just prior to winning their 3rd National Championship. These young women displayed the kind of conviction and character that, as parents, we want for our own children. It’s about finding meaning and fulfillment in living a life filled with virtue and faith; a contagious faith that is presented [...]

9 06, 2023

Father’s Day 2023

By |2023-06-10T05:15:23-06:00June 9th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

To you fathers: Father’s Day is a great day. It presents itself as the annual kickoff to the summer where dads and kids can enjoy long days of playing outside deep into the evening warmth. Barbequed weekends showcase dad’s culinary skills with burgers, dogs, and corn on the cob right off the grill. Dad –the platform from which to jump in the water, the fountain of goofy laughter, the anchor in storms, the sun that [...]

3 06, 2023

The Blessing of Grandma & Grandpa/Mom & Dad

By |2023-06-03T06:53:34-06:00June 3rd, 2023|Family Culture, Letters, Parenting|

On a business trip a few years ago, Rich encountered a special moment when he noticed an older business couple had brought along their two young granddaughters – maybe 6 and 8 – to help handout company literature at a business conference.  Fond memories flooded back when he witnessed the true joy, tenderness and love that those little girls shared with their Grandma and Grandpa. This business occasion was just a further indication of a [...]

27 05, 2023

Begin as You Mean to Go

By |2023-05-27T16:10:15-06:00May 27th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

It’s graduation season!  There are preschoolers graduating to Kindergarten, Kindergartners to Elementary School, Elementary to Middle School, Middle Schoolers to High School and so on. All graduations, to varying degrees, have commencement addresses.  These speeches are designed to impart wisdom and encourage students as they move to the next chapter in life. There is one commencement address that has really resonated with our family.  It has a simple message which is as applicable to the [...]

19 05, 2023

Summertime Checklist

By |2023-05-19T08:49:33-06:00May 19th, 2023|Letters, Parenting|

Parenting is a year-round process.  However, we found that summertime seemed to be a really productive and effective time in our parenting.  Maybe it was because many of the school year obligations and hectic schedules got dialed back and the excitement of sunshine, family vacations and barbecues filled our home.  Whatever the reason, we used our summertime excitement as a special time of the year to “super charge” some of our parenting initiatives while enjoying [...]

16 05, 2023

How can I get my Husband to… Part 2

By |2023-05-16T08:19:47-06:00May 16th, 2023|Letters, Marriage|

As we mentioned in our letter last week, we hear from and get to speak with a lot of women looking for insight into parenting and marriage.  They are seeking advice and wisdom on how best to navigate with  their husband, so that he would be more fully engaged in the following: “What is the best way for a wife to bring up potential conflict without making her husband defensive?” “How can a wife help [...]

8 05, 2023

How can I get my Husband to… Part 1

By |2023-05-08T15:18:17-06:00May 8th, 2023|Letters, Marriage|

At OneFamily we hear from and get to speak with a lot of women looking for insight into parenting and marriage.  They are often seeking advice for a strong marriage, creative strategies to maintain intimacy, how to support their spouse surrounding challenging issues related to being a father and husband, and the like.  Yet, it boils down to this:  What can I do that would motivate my husband to engage with me and energize him [...]

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